Monday, December 6, 2010


What a wonderful thanksgiving we had! So much to be thankful for! My sister and Oma and my nephews, Ethan and Noah, shared the holiday with us! It was wonderful! We spent the week enjoying the fall beauty in the Smoky Mountains, and the views of the beautiful autumn leaves from right in our own yard. We took Jeep rides and bounced on trampolines, invaded the park and stayed up all hours playing games. It was a nice break from reality! We feel so blessed with so many friends and family, so much love all around us.

The holidays are hard, remembering how they used to be when our family was all together in AZ. But this year, I am trying to just be thankful to have those memories, and to remember that they are always close in my heart, and to enjoy the different kind of memories we are blessed with during this other chapter of our lives.

Monday, November 1, 2010

November, already???

Fall has crept upon us once again, and we are closing in on finishing another year. There have been some sad times, and some trials, but so much joy, so much peace, and so much growth. We took time yesterday, setting it all aside, to focus on God's beauty. It surrounds us every day; whether we are dancing and rejoicing or trying to stay afloat in the middle of a storm.

There is no better back drop for that in Tennessee, than the Smoky Mountains. A packed lunch, the Sirius radio, and 45 minutes later we are picnicking by a waterfall. What a beautiful day it was for such an adventure. Trees of red, yellow, orange, and still some green, painted the landscape on every side. The water, though low, sped quickly along the sides, glistening in the sun. There is no artist that can compare.

We explored around for awhile before heading up the road to Laurel Falls, a hike that keeps you moving in the anticipation of the soothing falls that lay at the end of the trail. Parking is normally a problem, but not today, front row for this family. As we begin our journey, Therese very casually mentions that, yes, she should have stopped to use the restroom, 5 miles back down the road. After attempting to lure her into using mother natures facilities, we succumb to the fact that we can only take her camping if there is plumbing close by. Back into the car, 5 miles down the road we go, goodbye front row parking, so long water fall trails. But wait! There is a trail down by the bathrooms that leads to an old school house. Our adventure continues, as we embarked on Therese's first hike. A very secluded area, rich with adventure and make shift bridges, it was absolutely wonderful. Therese, our enthusiastic"tour guide," made up many interesting facts on the way back down. Her cleverness and uncanny Eddie-esq humor, keeps us on our toes and makes every day full of surprises.

We came back down the mountains around dinner time, fulfilled and refreshed. Our day reminded me of our year; a journey, that wasn't always what we thought it would be, but was always full of love, and beauty, joy and laughter, and many surprises along the way!